How my Instagram videos will be changing this year

How my Instagram videos will be changing this year

Some readers of these posts may already also be following my weekly videos on Instagram (@alicejohnsenlifecoach).  If so, you will be familiar with the current format that is a weekly posting of a minute long video offering you just a few thoughts or tips for the...
New or Expanding Business?  Here’s how I can help you.

New or Expanding Business? Here’s how I can help you.

Starting a new business or building on a current initiative?  Exciting times – and daunting ones.  Whether you are setting up something from scratch now your children are old enough or building up a going concern, having some objective support from a life coach...
Life Coaching and Divorce

Life Coaching and Divorce

Earlier this month I spent some time with two Family Law Partners at Trethowans in Salisbury.  Trethowans is one of the leading law firms in the South West and as such are pathing the way in practising Collaborative Law – a dispute resolution path first...
Supporting Women in Business

Supporting Women in Business

One of the most enjoyable parts of my coaching is working with women on their businesses either as they start up or as they reach a point where they want to build the business up but are not sure what the next steps should be and how that will fit into the other parts...
Time Is On Your Side

Time Is On Your Side

Time – it’s such a big factor in all our lives and sometimes we feel we have too much of it and other days definitely not enough.  But of course it’s the same, day in, day out, for everyone.  So it comes down to how we use it.    Are you a planner or...