Great feedback from a client

Great feedback from a client

I got back late last night from a few days on the very wonderful Lundy Island.  It’s fabulous, beautiful, unique and very, very special and we have all been restored and recharged over our short escape.  In amongst the usual dross of post was a card from a...

This is certainly what I try to do in my coaching – by listening, listening, listening and then asking questions. All sorts of questions – easy ones, obvious ones, unexpected ones, emotional ones – the whole lot. Then, together, we move forward. We...
Social Media over the School Holidays

Social Media over the School Holidays

For many of us, the long summer school holidays are looming or have started already.  Dreamy.  Or not.  Keeping our children occupied, fed, washed (I have 3 boys so this is officially a Dodgy Area) and off screens is a full time job in itself. Add to that the fact...