International Women’s Day 2019

International Women’s Day 2019

Today, International Women’s Day, will mean something different to all of us.  To me, it serves as a reminder of all fabulous and interesting women I am lucky enough to work with.  Some are going through a period of change – children leaving home, divorce,...
Simple Stress Buster

Simple Stress Buster

I’ve just looked at the weather forecast for the next week and am now rather wishing I hadn’t.  There’s nothing major or life threatening planned but by the end of the week, if my computer screen is to be believed, it’s going to be...
Lady Val’s Professional Women’s Network

Lady Val’s Professional Women’s Network

Working for yourself, from home and often on your own can have huge advantages but sometimes you can feel a bit isolated and in need of people to discuss ideas or problems with.  So I was really pleased to go to Lady Val’s Professional Women’s Network...
Hello Autumn!

Hello Autumn!

So, naively, I thought I’d have more time to share thoughts and ideas once term started – clearly not! Where is September going? Anyway, I took this photo pf couple of weeks ago at home because, quite frankly, it was just rather pretty. Also, it tied in...