I’ve just looked at the weather forecast for the next week and am now rather wishing I hadn’t.  There’s nothing major or life threatening planned but by the end of the week, if my computer screen is to be believed, it’s going to be significantly colder.  And darker.  Only 6 days to go until the clocks go back and we are dragged into a winter time frame whether we like it or not, dragged away from our walks or gardens or whatever it is we like doing outside, that bit earlier and if that weren’t boring enough, we cannot deny winter is just round the corner.  Not yet, but not far away.

You don’t have to look far these days to come across a mention of mental health or wellbeing and that is a wonderful development in our mindsets and attitudes to how we feel.  Hooray!  So as we head off into the potential on and on-ness of a dark winter, be aware of how you are feeling and why not make conscious changes to your days if you can to ensure you are still getting enough time out in the elements (if only for the joy of coming inside again to dry out or defrost).  Taking time away from your desk or workplace is also a really simple and overlooked stress buster.  This is so important especially for those of us who work by ourselves.  It is so easy to get absorbed in something and not notice we have been sitting down for 2 or 3 hours without the breaks you naturally get when working as part of a team and that is especially de-moralising if you have been battling a problem.  But taking 20 minutes ‘off’ and walking outside so often fixes the problem by putting it in perspective or making us see it in a new light so don’t underestimate the power of the dog walk or power stride, especially as winter approaches!