Stress Management for Parents, anyone?

Stress Management for Parents, anyone?

Over the past few years I have worked with schools and school children privately on Stress Management.  The most common age group I work with is 11 – 13 year olds but that is not exclusive and all the things I discuss will help and support parents of children of...
Stress Management for Parents, anyone?

Group Coaching Sessions Coming Up

Just to remind you all of the forthcoming Group Coaching sessions:  Wednesday 2nd May and Tuesday 22nd May.  Unfortunately I have had to postpone the session booked for 18th May but there are places on both 2nd and 22nd so do get in touch if you are interested. What...


Today is the Spring Equinox – the first official day of Spring.  Goodbye snow (please)!  Hello days that are longer than nights and all things positive as we move towards a brighter and cheerier time of year.   So it seems a good day to announce the next few...
Group Coaching – the most lovely feedback!

Group Coaching – the most lovely feedback!

A couple of days before Christmas I received an email from a client who had been to a Group Coaching Session at the beginning of December. Towards the end of the session this group had asked me to coach them on coping with Christmas. So we looked at how important and...
Group Coaching

Group Coaching

Last Friday I ran the first group coaching for women wanting support with menopause and more general feelings of being overwhelmed by life. We had a great morning, really productive and positive and it was a joy and privilege to work with such dynamic and amazing...