Over the past few years I have worked with schools and school children privately on Stress Management.  The most common age group I work with is 11 – 13 year olds but that is not exclusive and all the things I discuss will help and support parents of children of any age.  In a 40 minute, informal session we cover, as a minimum:

  • what Stress is and why we all need to take it seriously
  • what happens in our bodies when we are stressed
  • when it can be a good thing – and when it is a bad thing
  • how to recognise what stresses us as individuals
  • how to think about managing those stressful situations – or working to avoid them
  • how to get help – when, from where and why
  • how to get rid of Stress
  • why ‘avoiding’ Stress is not an option so we look at ways we can help ourselves and manage our lives accordingly

It occurred to me this might be useful information for parents to have too.  Not only could you apply this to your own busy, stressful lives but also if you know what your children know, you can work with them, therefore supporting them and leading by example.  So, I thought it might be useful to run some group sessions after Easter to meet and chat about Stress and how we can up our game when it comes to Stress Management.  It won’t take more than an hour and you can ask all those awkward or random questions in a safe and confidential setting.  Costs and location will depend on size of groups so please do get in touch to talk about setting a group up.  Usual contact details:  07961 080 513 or alicejohnsenlifecoaching@gmail.com.