Those Difficult Conversations

Those Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations – we all have them.  Now and then.  When we absolutely have to.  You know the sort I mean, the one where we have to break bad news to someone or raise an awkward issue.  We have to tell a friend something we (either just us or a group of...
Life Coaching and Divorce

Life Coaching and Divorce

Earlier this month I spent some time with two Family Law Partners at Trethowans in Salisbury.  Trethowans is one of the leading law firms in the South West and as such are pathing the way in practising Collaborative Law – a dispute resolution path first...
International Women’s Day 2019

International Women’s Day 2019

Today, International Women’s Day, will mean something different to all of us.  To me, it serves as a reminder of all fabulous and interesting women I am lucky enough to work with.  Some are going through a period of change – children leaving home, divorce,...
Worry less about children’s screen use, parents told – BBC News

Worry less about children’s screen use, parents told – BBC News

Hmmm, I’m not quite sure what I think about today’s announcement from The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) (please see link to the report at the end of this post) which basically says ‘there is no good evidence that time in front...