So the shock of our new normal has begun to settle a bit.  Life as we knew it has been put on hold for the foreseeable future but we’re beginning to get used to that.  In some ways.  In others, the enormity of it all will catch up with us when we are least...
The End of One Road – and the Start of a New Journey

The End of One Road – and the Start of a New Journey

Coaching clients through Divorce is a part of my coaching I would describe as a double edge sword.  One on side it can be emotionally gruelling, frustrating, alarming and often incredibly sad but on the other it means I have the opportunity to provide support and...
New or Expanding Business?  Here’s how I can help you.

New or Expanding Business? Here’s how I can help you.

Starting a new business or building on a current initiative?  Exciting times – and daunting ones.  Whether you are setting up something from scratch now your children are old enough or building up a going concern, having some objective support from a life coach...
Life Coaching and Divorce

Life Coaching and Divorce

Earlier this month I spent some time with two Family Law Partners at Trethowans in Salisbury.  Trethowans is one of the leading law firms in the South West and as such are pathing the way in practising Collaborative Law – a dispute resolution path first...
Throwing Away The To Do List

Throwing Away The To Do List

To Do Lists – I LOVE them.  I use them in my own life and I use them with clients a LOT.  Clients who are starting up new businesses or clients who want to improve their work/life balance or clients who want to improve the structure of their everyday life...