Today is the Spring Equinox – the first official day of Spring.  Goodbye snow (please)!  Hello days that are longer than nights and all things positive as we move towards a brighter and cheerier time of year.   So it seems a good day to announce the next few...
Life Coaching – the most rewarding work!

Life Coaching – the most rewarding work!

I saw a client today with whom I have been working regularly since August last year.  We have looked at a wide variety of issues including communication, relationships, confidence, time management, life goals – a great mix.  Today we reached a point where this...
Special New Year Offer – extending into Spring!

Special New Year Offer – extending into Spring!

The take up of my new year special offer has been great.  Lots of clients have booked 3 sessions to be taken weekly (or as near as diaries allow) in order to really set themselves up for 2017.  We have focussed mainly on businesses – but not exclusively.  The...