Stress Management Tips – the rainbow amongst stormy weather!

Stress Management Tips – the rainbow amongst stormy weather!

If you go to my instagram page (alicejohnsenlifecoach) or my facebook page (Alice Johnsen Life Coaching – Enhance Your Every Day) you will find a short video I posted yesterday morning just running through some brief Stress Management and Time Management tips....
Social Media over the School Holidays

Social Media over the School Holidays

For many of us, the long summer school holidays are looming or have started already.  Dreamy.  Or not.  Keeping our children occupied, fed, washed (I have 3 boys so this is officially a Dodgy Area) and off screens is a full time job in itself. Add to that the fact...
What’s the point in WORRYING?

What’s the point in WORRYING?

Worrying – it’s something we all do, probably every day, some of us more than others.  That’s just the way it is.  BUT – so much of our worrying is unnecessary.  I’ve written before about the pneumonic FEAR: False Expectations Appearing...