Support as Life Moves Forward

Support as Life Moves Forward

So life is beginning to move forward in very small, baby steps.  There has been a mix of reactions to the Government’s plans but this is not the place to dwell on that.  What I want to tell you about is the support available from                   Alice Johnsen...
How to work from home successfully

How to work from home successfully

So you’ve got a new job or you’re starting a new business – and you are going to do it all from home.  How lovely!  Or is it?  Working from home is not always the sunnier option.  If you are not careful, it can seep into every aspect of your life...
Planning – the Godfather of Time

Planning – the Godfather of Time

This morning I waved my eldest son off to school to face a week of mock Common Entrance exams.  Whether he is prepared or not, time will tell.  I admired his quiet and calm determination and also the fact that he did put in some good revision time over the weekend. ...