Support as Life Moves Forward

Support as Life Moves Forward

So life is beginning to move forward in very small, baby steps.  There has been a mix of reactions to the Government’s plans but this is not the place to dwell on that.  What I want to tell you about is the support available from                   Alice Johnsen...
The End of One Road – and the Start of a New Journey

The End of One Road – and the Start of a New Journey

Coaching clients through Divorce is a part of my coaching I would describe as a double edge sword.  One on side it can be emotionally gruelling, frustrating, alarming and often incredibly sad but on the other it means I have the opportunity to provide support and...
New or Expanding Business?  Here’s how I can help you.

New or Expanding Business? Here’s how I can help you.

Starting a new business or building on a current initiative?  Exciting times – and daunting ones.  Whether you are setting up something from scratch now your children are old enough or building up a going concern, having some objective support from a life coach...
Planning – the Godfather of Time

Planning – the Godfather of Time

This morning I waved my eldest son off to school to face a week of mock Common Entrance exams.  Whether he is prepared or not, time will tell.  I admired his quiet and calm determination and also the fact that he did put in some good revision time over the weekend. ...