Following the success of the group menopause coaching session I ran back in June I am really excited to announce some new dates for the Autumn. During these sessions I will be talking about how we manage our expectations, our time, how we look for support during times of stress and how we can look after ourselves more effectively when we are feeling overwhelmed, particularly during our menopause years.

The dates are:

29th September – 11am to 12.30pm
6th October – 11am to 12.30pm
3rd November – 11am to 12.30pm.

I am planning to host these sessions at my home just outside Sherborne but if you would like to gather some friends together to host a session in a different location just get in touch. Cost is £25 per head but if you gather a group of 6 or more and host a session you get to go free!

If you are wondering if this form of coaching could be relevant or helpful to you please do get in touch. We can have a chat about what is going on in your life right now and I can tell you more about the coaching. So for any more information or to book a place call me on 07961 080513 or email: