I don’t know about you but I think this year is rushing by at a pace I cannot quite understand! It feels like only last week we were all home for the Christmas holidays with all the mud and “will it snow?” and excitement that brought. Then onto New Year and plans for 2016. In my mind and then on paper I had formulated goals for this year based predominantly on growing my life coaching service and building it up to fit in with my home commitments. I also wanted to increase my voluntary work. Overall I would say this is on track and I am really happy with the way my year is going. It’s not perfect but I feel focussed and in control. I know that is because I have learnt to:

  • make realistic goals
  • to use my time appropriately
  • to know when and how to say no
  • to prioritise based on what really matters, what can be changed and what must be accepted
  • to manage my stress
  • to notice the successes and use them to boost my next step.

I didn’t always operate like that but now feel so much happier, calmer and am therefore achieving more in my whole life. It is wonderful! If you are reading this and recognising areas in your life that would benefit from some objective help please do get in touch. Life coaching can really help you by giving you some simple tools and ideas to make small changes in your life. It is always the small changes that make the big difference. It’s not rocket science but it does work! I would love to work with you on the big life goals, this year’s targets or more general parts of your life – managing your time, your stress, building your confidence or improving the way you work with colleagues.

Email me at amdjohnsen@btinternet.com or call 07961 080513 to book your free introductory session!

#Sherborne  #lifecoaching  #stressmanagement  #communication  #timemanagement  #confidence  #goals  #targets