As I write we are drawing the to the end of another day, except this day has been International Women’s Day and there has been a huge and diverse amount of coverage of all sorts of fantastic initiatives and interviews.  It’s been a great reminder of how lucky some of us are but also how other women are living at the other extreme end of the scale, still, in 2017.

Last night I was given a belated birthday supper by 11 girlfriends.  What a special evening!  I feel so lucky to have such wonderful, interesting, diverse and fun friends and we all agreed that spending an evening together like that was just so rejuvenating, stimulating, comforting – just very special.  Time either to share problems or put them on hold and enjoy being with friends.  We were all in our forties and someone made a comment that by the time you are in your forties, you know who you want to spend time with and, as importantly, who you don’t.

I have been pondering this today.  What do you do if you are in a bad relationship?  That could be romantic, friendship or professional.  At what point do you say, “enough is enough;  I’m outta here.”  Do you wait for things to get so bad you are forced to take action, or do you walk before then.  And how do you extricate yourself?

Every situation is different so every plan must be different too.  But if you are stuck in a relationship or rut and you don’t know what you should be doing or how you should be doing it, I may be able to help so please, get in touch on 07961 080513 or email me at


#internationalwomensday2017  #relationships  #alicejohnsenlifecoaching