I spent some time yesterday morning with a septuagenarian neighbour. He has had an exciting and unusual life and is still involved with lots of different projects and charities. He has been divorced and now recently – and unexpectedly – widowed. Our conversation rolled over many different topics and areas of our lives but one theme came out again and again from him.

“If you don’t like something in your life, do something about it.”

Of course not every bit of our lives is flexible and some problems just cannot be got round, they must be accommodated. But my friend is right in that we all live with stuff or issues we don’t really like because somehow in the daily carry on it just seems easier. Well, maybe making a few small changes needn’t be as hard as we assume.

It is much easier to put plans to change into action if you’re working with someone so if you’d like some support and coaching to have a look at what a difference some small changes could make to your life then please get in touch. We can look at any area your life – or the whole picture. I look forward to working with you!

#littlechangesbigdifference #support #lifecoaching #dosomethingaboutit

07961 080 513 or new email: alicejohnsenlifecoaching@gmail.com